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Edible crickets have a mild umami flavor and a nice crunch that can be a great addition to many dishes.

60% protein by volume
More than 4x the Antioxidants than Orange Juice
26 mcg B12/ 100 grams (Beef has 1-2mcg/100grams)
High in iron and calcium
Low in fat
All 9 essential amino acids
Omega 6:3 ratio of 3:1
Chitin – a source of Prebiotic fiber – used as an antimicrobial gut agent


People all over the world eat bugs yet many people here are downright afraid to try them. LIL BUGZ is here to help people overcome their unwarranted cultural fear.

People have been eating bugs since forever because they are packed with very bio-available protein including all essential amino acids. They're a good source of iron, calcium, zinc, B12, and an ideal Omega 3:6 ratio along with being a pre-biotic fiber (nutrition for probiotics) and 3x more antioxidants than orange juice.

Lil Bugz You Can Eat | Whole Roasted Crickets

SKU: 4a37fcee
Excluding Sales Tax
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